powder mildew/spider mites

the dragon killa

Active Member
i am moving as soon as this cycle is over and right now it is looking like its going to be much sooner than i thought... I pretty much already know the answer, I am looking for a couple of informed people to tell me what I already know so I can move on.

I am in Humboldt I have a several indoor plants 5 weeks old all in veg state under MH lighting. I have found that some have powdery mildew and some have spider mites. Is there any point of trying to fight off both the infenction and infestation and take them all the way to harvest or should I throw them away and move on with my life?



Well-Known Member
try sulfur and neem oil .. they're not expensive and you're not losing anything. unless you don't have the time to deal with it, in which case take 'em down.


New Member
try sulfur and neem oil .. they're not expensive and you're not losing anything. unless you don't have the time to deal with it, in which case take 'em down.
This is good advice. Since you are still in veg there should be no problems offing the problems. Good luck.


Active Member
I am actually about to harvest some plants STIlLL fighting off fucking spider mites and I do not believe in the neem oil shit anymore.. although I still use it b/c it is the only thing I want to introduce this late flowering.. if I was in your situation I would either dip them in neem oil solution (completely submerge them) if they are small enough, or just go get some pyretherin bug killer and spray the leaves really well once, then spray it off with water... I'm not sure about the powedery mildew shit but I think it has a lot to do with the environmental conditions and whether you have drastic temp diff. b/w night and day.. good luck


Well-Known Member
pyrethrum works but apparently some mites are resistant to it. don't have personal experience so i can't say. i use neem oil as a prophylactic, persay.

the dragon killa

Active Member
I only found mites on one small leaf of one plant but they were all over it and the little fuckers are taking over my flowering room currently, fortunately its 2 weeks from harvest and they just started their domination. For the veg room I am thinking a sulfur vaporizer for the mildew and a pyrithreum bomb followed by weekly doses of neem until they are 30 days into flowering. Good plan?


Well-Known Member
powdery mildew, water mixed with baking soda in a spray bottle if your broke and cant buy somthing for it. oh yea and don't spray the soil with it as it changes ph tempoaraly


Well-Known Member
I only found mites on one small leaf of one plant but they were all over it and the little fuckers are taking over my flowering room currently, fortunately its 2 weeks from harvest and they just started their domination. For the veg room I am thinking a sulfur vaporizer for the mildew and a pyrithreum bomb followed by weekly doses of neem until they are 30 days into flowering. Good plan?
that sounds like a plan. i've only had powdery mildew on squash and melons, but i remember physically removing the mildew is good until you get something to kill it. it blocks all light and eventually kills all foliage it covers, so if you can get it off, either with water or brushing it off, it will help.