Powdery Mildew- GreenCure, Dutch Master Zone


I have been fighting powdery mildew in the vegetation stage using GreenCure. After some research, I have found that many have had success with DM Zone with Penetrater/Saturator as a foliar spray. I want to know if anyone has experience fighting the powdery mildew using the DM Zone in the feeding water as opposed to a foliar spray? I would like to attack the PM at the roots. If it a successful method, then my intention is to added DM Zone to my feeding water, while also treating it with GreenCure as a Foliar. Second, I currently use Hygrozyme. So if its ok to use the DM Zone in the feeding water, then should I not use the Hygrozyme? So replace the Hygrozyme with DM Zone. Also, Is it OK to use the regular nutes with the DM Zone to fight the PM as well? And what duration should I be applying the DM Zone? And a last confirmation if it is Ok to use the GreenCure with DM Zone in the watering cycle. Please let me know if you feel that DM Zone only works against Powdery Mildew as a foliar spray with DM Penetrator/Saturator. Thanks.