Power outage and Lighting


Well-Known Member
Im running a 600w hps hortilux and during the ice storm my area is recieveing my nearest neighbors(1/2 mile down the road) trees touched the power lines and for a moment the power was out, luckily i was in my room at the moment and noticed that when the light comes back on, it seems as though it has a hell of a time firing back up i let it go for about 2 mins, never seeing this before. i freaked so I just shut off the light for 5 mins and she started back up fine.

If i wasnt home and this happened, will the bulb refire after a while of running funny, or will it do damage to the bulb and/or ballast and say set my place on fire or create a hazard?


Well-Known Member
that happened to me theo other day and it came back on fine dont know if damaged but it fired back up after a few minutes when it cooled some i guess i think they are designed to not refire right away while hot


Well-Known Member
Thats happened to me twice with my bulbs.
I think both times I plugged the vacuum in around the same power outlet.

I thought they were fucked, but they were ok.