Power outage


Well-Known Member
I have some small girls in veg just past 3 weeks. We had a power outage during what should have been lights on yesterday that lasted about 12 hours. At this point I am just letting the lights turn on and off at their normal schedule which means they will get about 5 hours of light today.

Anyone have any thoughts on how this might effect them if at all or if I should do anything different on lighting other than just continuing the normal schedule now that the power is on? They actually look fine but did stretch which doesn’t seem surprising.
I have some small girls in veg just past 3 weeks. We had a power outage during what should have been lights on yesterday that lasted about 12 hours. At this point I am just letting the lights turn on and off at their normal schedule which means they will get about 5 hours of light today.

Anyone have any thoughts on how this might effect them if at all or if I should do anything different on lighting other than just continuing the normal schedule now that the power is on? They actually look fine but did stretch which doesn’t seem surprising.
As long as you switched it back to to veg cycle 18/6 they will continue to veg. Maybe stall a bit but then continue to veg
Outage got me too.
Sucks because we almost never have outages that last more than a couple minutes. This is by far our longest ever. What’s worse is half the neighborhood had power the other half didn’t. We were almost right on the line between them. I kept thinking “why didn’t I buy a house 100 feet that way”

There should be some kind of law against storms.

How long were you out?