ppm question in DWC


Active Member
Hello all,

Been here for a few weeks reading and learning.
I have a couple questions that I feel I need to ask as I haven’t felt that I have read enough to draw my own conclusion, so I want to ask ppl who actively grow.

I am using DWC in 3 18g reservoir and im using GH 3 part.
From germination I placed seeds in rockwool, then in hydroton in the net pots, my water level is right at the bottom of the net pots and I have a fogger in a float in each DWC system. It has worked well in the past.

The problems that I am having that warrant questioning is my PPM in the water.
my PH is kept @ 5.8, water temp from 75-85, air temp 70-80dg, humidity 40-55%, I am using the directions on the nutes. I used 1/2 from sprout until 2 and 1/2 weeks then went to full.
my leaves (large fan leaves) tips are rolling up slightly, I have raised the lights to be sure it wasn’t heat, but still have the problem. I am using T5 8 bulb 24''x48'' CFL's.
my PPM are about 1100 to 1200PPM, could that be the cause of this leaf issue? I have read that an acceptable range is from 750-900PPM.
I also spray all plants daily with PH balanced water also.

so if I need to lower the PPM would adding just PH balanced water work?
