PPP and WW Rockwool/HPS


Well-Known Member
Well into my second grow. Started flowering like 2 days ago, the three in the back are PPP and the front is a WW who was kind enough to give me 6 clones 2 weeks ago that I'm vegging now. :joint:

First grow for those that remember went well. One plant herm'ed on me and I didnt' know wtf a staminate flower looked like until it was too late. My other females were slightly pollinated so a few buds have like 1 seed but most are seed free. Its a great smoke and I ended up with about and oz per plant which isn't bad for a first grow. I know it will be so much more improved this time around. I'm using digital pH meter now/thermometer and Advanced Nutrients Big Bud and already the plants are humongous. They're barely over a month old in these pics.

Also, I topped the PPP because of it being so damned tall and wanted to experiment w/ some pruning techniques. Each plant has 2-3 branches at the top now, giving them much more light so I'm hoping to get some phat ass colas off those tops. :D



Well-Known Member
Plants are moving along nicely... as always the early flowering stretch is making me nervous about height issues. These bastards grow so damned much each day! XD

Included is a pic of my 6 WW clones. I'm pretty excited about them because they are the FIRST batch of clones I've had success with, and not only that but every cutting I took rooted! So that is seriously awesome.



Well-Known Member
Flowering is going very very well. I can't believe the hairs on these new buds the PPP is sprouting. Have been using liquid Big Bud since the start of flowering and am very pleased so far.

I just moved 4 WW clones to the flowering tent. They're quite small but I wanted to mess with sog in a couple days when they start their big stretch.



Well-Known Member
There are 2 lights in the tent. It looks a tad deceiving but that front light is only 250 watts and its low to hit the clones and some of the big WW directly behind the clones. The other light is a 600w HPS and its about as high as it can go already. The fucking PPP grows like a damn weed. Not sure if I'm giong to have to start training the tops of the plant directly under the light. We'll see.... This shit is making me really want to do a mostly indica grow. :P