Pre-flowers in veg stage??


Well-Known Member
umm...I dont know how did it happen.. I've been keeping it on veg stage all the time but one day I forgot to turn lights on (yea I dont have a timer) and now about 2 weeks later I noticed some preflowers there.
How is this possible?
Is this a problem? :grin:
What should I do?
Can I get some answers please?

Thank you :mrgreen:

(does it look like a female? :-o :-o)


Well-Known Member
its a female and you can keep on vegging if you want,its up2 you,,,,,theres nothing to worry about,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
yeeehaaaaaa :D Im so glad about it ^^
But any comments how could it happen?...or this is normal that pre-flowers comes in veg stage? :D Im a bit confused.

thanks for the reply ;)


Well-Known Member
yes your plant can show sex in the veg state.. and congrats its a girl, may want to try and take a clone.... good luck


Well-Known Member
It's a Girl!!! be happy....wait no timer? are you Amish?
just kidding.
But seriously get a timer.
planning your day around flipping a switch
gets old fast.
Keep it simple, keep it fun.
Best of luck yo you. :)


Well-Known Member
yeeehaaaaaa :D Im so glad about it ^^
But any comments how could it happen?...or this is normal that pre-flowers comes in veg stage? :D Im a bit confused.

thanks for the reply ;)
it's not only's natural.
These pre-flowers just mean that your little girl is now a little woman.
look out for pre-balls...Boys just want one thing.
best of luck on your grow.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey dudes and dudettes
This is my Aerogarden plant its about a month and a week old and it have never had anything but 24/0 (until he got a little bigger) then 16/8 for about 3 weeks....

Now he had those little "pistils" since his first node, is that a REALLY early indication that its a female? or is it something all plants get?

All of my 7 plants so far have had these little things from the start, not sure what it is but if it means there female then thats 7/7 females and thats sweeeeeeeet.




Well-Known Member
same thing happened to me, i flowered my kush fir 3-4 days and now i have a few pistils that turned brown, is that normal or im i nuts? i know it takes longer than a few days