

Well-Known Member
it makes a little sense, i think

Im guessing what he means is that he wants to fllower some plants in the winter and is wondering if they will finish flowering before the long summer days come and cause it to reveg

however im from Minnesota so i know nothing of outdoor growing in the winter haha


Well-Known Member
Pot up some pics. If you are using the sun only and not blacking out your greenhouse you are running the risk of having them reveg on you.
i was kinda lol. my question is if i put plants out about 2 weeks ago will they finish flowering before the days get too long to make them veg again? i can bring them into a dark room every day if needed but should i be ok? the day light right now isnt that long and where they are they get not that much light. id say 6 hours if even that of direct.then a few more of indirect.

i know the season is way over but here in so cal its still not too cold to grow outside. i know there are 2 harvest a year if weather permits.

does anyone know when the day light hours get too long to flower outside here? ill search for a thing that nasa has that tells you the exact amount for your zip code on any given day a year in advance.


Well-Known Member
Here you go..

I pulled 2 harvests last season but it's not something that I would do again. A greenhouse with the ability to black out to keep the light schedule is what I think you are going to need but if you look at that we are going to be gaining about a minute of light per day. I would plan to black out the greenhouse just in case. If you are talking about them being out for a couple days that's fine but I think over 2 months they are going to reveg on you. You could just leave them out there, pick the buds when ready and hope they make it through the summer.