Premature bud, fuckin mold


Ok so I went back to my plant today to check up on it and bring few water jugs back and while I was looking it over I found some small patches of mold :( . I just ripped off the little buds that had it on it and on the bigger buds I just. Squeezed it with my fingers and pulled it off z. And cleaned it up a bit ( cuz it was on my top cola and few other tops) was that a bad idea. And nights are startin to get down below 10 degrees, the buds have all white hairs and a few amber ones on smaller buds, should I jus give it water till I have to harvest it so the buds don't taste like shit from the big bud nutes, can u smoke premature bud? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I dont know about smoking moldy buds as you cant be sure if you got all of it off. If it was me i would make oil out of it or throw the buds in some water and try and water cure it. As for premature buds? if the trics are cloudy you can get high but i would properly cure it if i was you


Well-Known Member
neem oil is safe to spray on the buds and anywhere on the plants during flowering, it will help control mold/mildew , and keep caterpillars and worms off the buds... for the water cure... i do not like it..turns the bud darker ,almost brown like schwag and shrinks bud 20% more than your typical dry n cure