Well-Known Member
Some big Berry OG Kush
So this is a spot that gets a lot of morning midday sun, and shade in the afternoon, next to a fence so i thought why not get it started so its ready and rotted down in a few months, and try to grow some berry og kush when season starts here soon.
So far all ive done is dig two holes in the heavy clay soil that was dug out of a dam and put there years ago, before the fence, so its going to need some improving
i got a bag of seaweed pellets and gypsum, that im goin g to start mixing in the clay,
I've started some FPJ, with excess leaf material in a 44 gal drum

feel free to add any other suggestions as to what would be good in there, to let the worms at for the next few months, would be great, thanks,

So this is a spot that gets a lot of morning midday sun, and shade in the afternoon, next to a fence so i thought why not get it started so its ready and rotted down in a few months, and try to grow some berry og kush when season starts here soon.
So far all ive done is dig two holes in the heavy clay soil that was dug out of a dam and put there years ago, before the fence, so its going to need some improving
i got a bag of seaweed pellets and gypsum, that im goin g to start mixing in the clay,
I've started some FPJ, with excess leaf material in a 44 gal drum

feel free to add any other suggestions as to what would be good in there, to let the worms at for the next few months, would be great, thanks,
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