Pressure cooked and deep fried turkey


Well-Known Member
So I have been wondering for a long time how a pressure cooked, deep friend turkey would taste.

Since I got a free 19lb turkey from my work I decided this would be the perfect time to try it.

I already got a big ass pressure cooker for growing mushrooms so all I needed was the deep frier basket and pot. I went to menards and for $30 grabbed the 30qt pot and basket, for another $30 got 3 gallons of oil which was the perfect amount.

When I got home I put the turkey in the basket and into the pressure cooker for 45 minutes. After taking the weight off to let the pressure out I let the turkey sit in the sink in basket so all the water can run off.

I took my new pot outside to the burner and brought it up to 300 degrees, got the turkey and dunked it in for 30 minutes. I bought the turkey in the house and dumped it onto a big platter to rest while I cleaned up all the pots and everything else I used to make it.

The turkey turn out real good and was the best turkey I have made yet, I'll be doing it like this again next year.

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