Pretty 30 day old M or F?? (PICS)


Well-Known Member
gonna need closer shots of the upper nodes to be certain but doesn't look to be showing sex yet, have you flipped it to 12/12 yet? 30 days from seed or clone? looks to me to be indica dominant hybrid and stretchy as hell. what type of lighting are you using? goodluck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Can you post a close up photo of the nodes? That's the place on the stem where the branches come out. I think in one of the photos I see some growth there, but it might just be new foliage since the plant looks very young. You say it's 30 days? What light schedule are you on?

And this looks indica dominant to me, too.


Well-Known Member
won't be showing sex atleast for sure till you flip to 12/12. you may get preflowers during veg that will help in determining sex but at 30 days from seed even too early for that i would think. definitely wanna add to the light if at all possible and keep it close as possible but i'm no expert at growing with cfl


Active Member
to early, looks stretched you should keep the cfls 1-3 inches away from the plant. put your hand between the plant and light, if its too hot for your hand its to hot for the plant


Well-Known Member
Tried the link but it looks like I'm going to have to sign up for something I don't want to sign up for in order to see it. More people will look and comment if you use the upload tool here.

No, I don't recommending flipping now. I think you should wait a few more weeks at least so you can have a bigger yield. If you're lucky enough to get a female to flowering, the larger yield that comes from longer vegging is totally worth the extra couple of weeks. It would take a lot longer than that to start again to make up for the lost yield of early flipping. But space will dictate flip time, too. If you have more vertical space, then veg up to 8 weeks for maximum yield. Since that plant is indica dom it probably won't get too tall, so go to 8 if you can.

I haven't used cfl for growing, so I don't know how that influences flip time. Maybe someone else can help you on that front.

And please post the photo using the tool so I can see it. I'm curious now!


Well-Known Member
I'm with MrBungle on this -- still too young to tell and if you can wait a few more weeks because you have the room, then you should. You'll get a bigger yield.