Price Per Gram - TO PRODUCE


Active Member
Hey guys, I live in Washington State, and have grown successfully as a medical patient for over 2 years. I am trying to put together a business plan that will estimate the cost to produce 1 gram of marijuana. I know that's not easy, and it's probably really more of a range.

The state estimates there will be a $3 per gram producer price, a $6 per gram processor price, and a $12 per gram average retail purchase price. You are allowed to hold a producer and processor license, but not all 3. I would be interested in producing and processing. My questions are the following:

Has anyone done an analysis of their personal grow, and been able to determine what their total expenses were, not including the cost of the equipment and rent/space? (Power, Nutrients, Water)

If the state is taxing at 25%, then you can assume that the processor price will be ~$4.5 after tax.

I found this: but I'm more interested in what individuals have noticed.


Well-Known Member
Currently my grow cost is $1.81/gram. My goal is $1.40/gram. Your goal should be to pass the tax cost onto your customer.