Pro aussie backyard pot grow #3 intence


This just goes to show that you dont have to have sex with your plant 24 hours a day like people say on this site , this plant has had like 5 days of attension, and is growing outside in a pot in plain potting soil and a pissant bit of perlight, perlight is not needed i have spent a total of $10 on this plant its 5th week flower and i am flowering just before sunset with a plastic bag, if anyone thinks this plant needs improving in anyway please let me know? prowired 002.jpgprowired 005.jpgprowired 001.jpgprowired 003.jpgprowired 004.jpgprowired 006.jpg

grow space

Well-Known Member
looks nice...who the hell says 24 h a day :lol: To me, it like 6 hours a day, and i choose to do it cas i enjoy it u know..growing is a passion to me as many others in here as well, and we do it as much as we can ! when u got no job and you country is under rule of fucking monkeys, what else u going to do :lol:

But usually the more love and time you but in your plants, the more they give u back !



prowired 2 001.jpgprowired 2 002.jpgprowired 2 003.jpgthe bigest one in these pics was a clone off the plant i just showed you it was cut off it 2nd week into flower which people say not to do so this was a clone from a allready flowering plant which was started inside under a flower light to get fast root growth then switched to veg light sometimes intence stress helps i have never smelt a plant like this and its only under a 120w fluro i tested the info that i got on here about not taking inside plants out side blah blah blah and its all bull its a plant and it will grow wherever this clone had been topped then grown to 2 main collars then i put it inside regrowth is amazing and super green it has white spots for somereason no consern little skunky lol

grow space

Well-Known Member
ya man, 2 weeks into flower is pretty much the time limit when u can take a clone, have done it myself just for shits and giggles , worked out fine like your clone did.
when season starts i always veg free outside and flower inside! i just spray them a lot with neem oil a week before i bring them inside to flower and works for me!

keep up the good work man ...:peace: