Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
No I haven’t tried yet. Scared it guna burn auto seedlings. I figured if put a solo sized cup worth of this pro mix seedling mix in middle then plant germinated seed there gives some time before roots reach FFOF.


Well-Known Member
FFOF can be a challenge for any plant, especially a new grower

Promix HP is a great starting medium to learn growing with. Get a good nute line, and easy to fix or adjust anything that arises

Something to think about

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
I heard that autos have a veg of about 4-5 weeks and then flower about 7-10 weeks depending on strain So I was just curious cuz if u had them in solo cups for 3 weeks then how long before they flower from out the solo cup ? And how big u get them


Well-Known Member
Every strain is different

I've had autos flower in 3 weeks, and at 6 weeks

No exact time on any of them
To add to this I've had of the same strain from the same breeder in the same pack flower at wildly different times. As Bob said they do what they want.

This is autos flowering in a nutshell.


Herb potman

Well-Known Member
So being a new grower how do I know when to LST or any other training. Or do I just let them go for my first grow ? And what’s your opinion on transplanting autos? And translating autos for newbies like me ?


Well-Known Member
So being a new grower how do I know when to LST or any other training. Or do I just let them go for my first grow ? And what’s your opinion on transplanting autos? And translating autos for newbies like me ?
I transplant my autos.

If you have never in your life transplanted any plants you may mess it up. But tbh your new so you may mess up watering due to trying to grow in too large of a container for a seedling.

Pick your newbie poison.