Pro mix ultimate organic

rep 219z

Active Member
Wondering if anybody has had any issues regarding promix ultimate organic, mainly being the PH dropping significantly during 3rd week of veg.

I flushed it until it ph'd back in the low 6's but i had some kind of deficiency for quite some time and it's still apparent.

The deficiency happened BEFORE I added any nutes, the water was ph'd to 7.2, and the runoff was <5.

Anybody else have or are having any problems with this mix? It says on the bag it comes preloaded with "limestone"...doesn't say whether it's dolomitic or calcitic, hydrated etc...but it says it's used for "ph buffering" in guessing dolomite. so why the massive ph drop in the first few weeks of veg?

it also comes loaded with the right amount of nutrients to keep the plants healthy for the first few weeks or's a list of the ingredients.

Pro-Mix Ultimate Organic Mix contains:

  • Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss
  • Sea-based Compost
  • Limestone
  • Perlite

basically, i need to find a way to keep this PH in check. i have HYDRATED lime available (the kind with calcium AND magnesium, like dolomite) and i'm not sure whether to add it in or let the ph'd water do the work...peat is kind of annoying when it comes to keeping the ph at a stable level, apparently.

tips, tricks, any help is welcome and i'd gladly rep the hell out of you, especially if you have any first hand experience with this mix or something close to it. i think sunshine mix and promix BX are pretty closely related.