Active Member
so I recently got my MMJ recommendation and was overjoyed to get to grow again... Unfortunately, all my seeds I acquired 5+ years ago back when overgrow was at it's peak... I'm having one helluva time getting these fuckers to pop. So far I've gone through 14 seeds with 0 sprouts.. And the other night, I threw in 4 purple power's and 4 sudden impact's that all cracked within 24 hours and one even had a 1/8 inch taproot, so I let 'em all sit for another night to let the ones without taproots catch up... never happened. All the seeds completely stopped at that point and have yet to continue to mature. I've never seen a seed spit out a taproot within 12 hours and just stop growing. My germ style is simply putting the beans into a wet paper towel either sandwiched between plates or in a ziploc bag I also just plain old tap water. I've never had a problem germing before and I'm starting to get incredibly worried. Just looking for some tips from anyone who's felt my pain before.