problem when moving my plant


Hi the i´m a little worried about one of my plants.

The Story:

Somehow i must v droped 2 seeds in one hole. Resulting in 2 birth plants. in the beginnig i didin´t move or seperate any of them because i was afraid that they wouldn´t hold on. Today i dicided to move one of them. So gently i dig her out (the roots where expose to the air). I put it back on the groung and water it gently so it wouldn´t stress her out. But instantly my baby started to decay (the leaves and the mainstem began to decay).

My plant looks a little bit like the one in the image (mine is more decayed than this one) without the yellow spots. My plant is an Indica.


My question is:
Is it over for this plant or she will get back on her feet :weed:? the plant is still all green, doesn´t have any yellow spots for now. she is in direct sun light. The soil is moist not over water. What do you think? will she recover? Shoul i give her a proper funeral?

Thank you all


Well-Known Member
Give it a couple days. What do you have to lose? No water, not too close to the light and certainly NO NUTRIENTS!


Active Member
Yea a couple days of tlc and she'll be growing strong. They can take a lot of abuse and come back from it nicely.


Active Member
That didn't help him.
BAck to topic. Agreed on waiting to see.
may not of helped him now but it will in the future i dont think what you said helped dont just post to get your post count up just because you have alot of post dont mean you know jack shit


Well-Known Member
Drooping was caused because of a transplant, followed by a "Gentle watering", so watering wasn't a problem, it was stress/damage from transplanting, hence I agreed he should wait to see if it overcomes the stress. Perlite would help him out with the plant overall, but not with the actual problem here and right now.
So suck it jman, ok but seriously I'm just a little annoyed because of my tolerance break :D


Active Member
Drooping was caused because of a transplant, followed by a "Gentle watering", so watering wasn't a problem, it was stress/damage from transplanting, hence I agreed he should wait to see if it overcomes the stress. Perlite would help him out with the plant overall, but not with the actual problem here and right now.
So suck it jman, ok but seriously I'm just a little annoyed because of my tolerance break :D
lol i hear ya man it sux


Active Member
On a side note, you may not have dropped two seeds in there but instead one seed developed twins! I've never had a set myself but I hear they can be notoriously hard to separate.