Problem with auto flower seedling


Hi all. I'm a newbie grower who did have outdoor plants in the past, but never started them from the seeds myself.

Started with 3 autoflower seeds in damp cotton and am having a problem with 1 of them.
The other 2 are Easy Bud type are seem to be doing fine, the third one Royal Bluematic is having issues.

The problematic one had its seed/shell "ripped" off when removing it from the damp cotton it had been in for 3 days.
I still planted it to see if he would make it and the first few days it seemed to be fine.

I also made the rookie mistake by not giving them enough light the first few days, but the 2 Easy Buds are doing fine after putting outdoors directly in the sun.

Now 11 days have passed since starting them in the cotton, and its only half height as the other 2 and seems to be stuck in growth.

Searching online it seemed similar to the seed shell being stuck on it, or the seed membrane, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
It had the same "treatment" as the 2 that are doing decent so I'm not sure if something else could be the problem.
