problem with leafs, help!


Well-Known Member
hey yall,
im looking at my leafs andd they have weird spots on them, looks like a def that i cant tell. these are almost 2 weeks old, started in miracle gro seed starter, transplanting into 5 gals tomorrow to aviod a lot of transplanting. personally dont like to transplant more than once. then I use fox farm ocean forrest with leca stones lining the bottom of my bucket for better drainage. leaf tips are drying and shrivel a little, the temps are at 75 light hanging 2-3 inches above, under T5, no nutes til veg. can anyone give me an idea of whats wrong?

mystery strain 1

mystery strain 2



New Member
Looks like streptococcal myonecrosis too me....going from a dixie straight to a 5gal container will only exacerbate the issue.....


Well-Known Member
could you explain what that is to me? bc I can't find it in my books or on here. and why would putting them in 5 gals make it worse? They are root bound as well so I definitely need to transplt


Active Member
Not knowing the strain...I would get them into FFOF and out of MG, unless the above post is correct.


Well-Known Member
i didnt wanna sound stupid but i thought it could be a phosphorus def. bc the way the leaves are shriveling a little and getting little bronzish spots.. the miracle gro seed starter is only for the seedlings and actaully has good source of P & K. but since the plant are root bound, you think the plants just arent eating well? and when i put in the ocean forrest im sure it will help a lot. and with the nutes. hopefully a couple are female. ;-)


Well-Known Member
just gonna spend a few dollars on beans from attitude.. G13 Pineapple Express using T5 for seedlings, T8 for veg, 1000w for flower, all fox farm soil & nutrients ! cant wait to see the results.


Well-Known Member
Red branches this early... N, K, P or Mg. Either way. Check your PH and up your nutes a step.


Well-Known Member
yeah i havent given them any nutes after exactly 2 weeks today from seed in dixie cups. prob wasnt the best idea but i didnt pick up my nutes til last night. I got everything together to start veg, i hope it still worth it. the leafs are starting to yellow more and is looking more and more like mg now.. but i cant really tell that well as im still a noobie. i hope the pics i have are good enough to tell the deficient, they are under the T5's. Im putting them in ocean forest tomorrow and would like to know what could be wrong with them before i do so. im using fox farm grow big for veg, should i use 1/4 strength for first feeding then go up to 1/2 per feeding and so on so forth?

mystery plant 1

mystery plant 2

imo, heres the healthiest one out of 4 so far... bushy, wide leaf indica looking.

its sad im using bag seeds but this is my first official grow so i just wanted to get started once my room was set-up. Like i said im going to order some beans from attitude.. definitely picking up G13 Pineapple Express Fem & TGA Plushberry. :peace:


New Member
could you explain what that is to me? bc I can't find it in my books or on here. and why would putting them in 5 gals make it worse? They are root bound as well so I definitely need to transplt
Just joking, they look ok. I wouldnt make any drastic changes until you repot and give them a few days to get use to their new digs......


Well-Known Member
thanks brotha.. i have the same chart in my books i just want to get a opinion of what you guys might think it is. If so let me know but to me it looks like mg def.
I think when i throw them in ocean forest tonight with 2tbsp big bloom i think they will react nicely in a couple of days, hopefully! ill post pictures of my transplants later tonight

any other suggestions? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
gotcha bud. im definitely tryin to take it easy, im following a good fox farm schedule, i know fox farm nutes are pretty hot. The schedule starts at 1/4 strength pretty much and works its way up the feedings, so next week instead of just 2 tbsp of big bloom, its 2tbsp big bloom + 2 TSP grow big(the hot stuff) gotta tryn take it easy with that stuff, although i hear plants love all these nutes, guess i will find out! haha. thanks for the help guys and please add any suggestions.

Got a 6" clip fan just above the light for air circulation in my veg box. Last thing i gotta pick up for my room is a fan & filter. My room is 8x5x7 so im using a 6" with speed controller. Got my babies vegging under a T8 lamp, 6 bulbs 32W each

temps are around 77-78 with the door shut. between 55-65% humidity.



Well-Known Member
the plant in the bottom picture has reacted well so far to the change, its been over 24hrs since transplant, and everything looks fine. I will be patient and wait a few days to see how they react. Ill give these babies just ph'd water on mon night then friday Ill give them the feedings. Not really concerned about the leaf coloring considering they havent gotten any worse since the transplant, so my first transplant was succesful. sweet! peace guys :leaf:


Active Member
the plant in the bottom picture has reacted well so far to the change, its been over 24hrs since transplant, and everything looks fine. I will be patient and wait a few days to see how they react. Ill give these babies just ph'd water on mon night then friday Ill give them the feedings. Not really concerned about the leaf coloring considering they havent gotten any worse since the transplant, so my first transplant was succesful. sweet! peace guys :leaf:
Good for you ! And don't forget that you just transplanted into new FFOF. It has sufficient nutes to give you a couple weeks wiggle room to ease them into a proper feeding schedule. By the way...NICE GROW ROOM !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good for you ! And don't forget that you just transplanted into new FFOF. It has sufficient nutes to give you a couple weeks wiggle room to ease them into a proper feeding schedule. By the way...NICE GROW ROOM !!!!!
Thanks man! Yea i only gave them 2tbsp and the recommended for fox farm was 6. That seems like a lot and i already have this schedule planned..
weekly feeding per GALLON
big bloom 2tbsp

week1 2tbsp big bloom
week2 2tbsp big bloom + 2 tsp grow big
week3 2tbsp big bloom + 3 tsp grow big
week4 JUST 3 tsp grow big + 1/4 tsp open sesame

week 5/1 first day of 12/12 - 2 tsp tiger bloom + 1 tbsp big bloom + 1/2 tsp open sesame
week 6/2 same as week 5
week 7/3 2 tsp grow big + 2 tsp tiger bloom + 1 tbsp big bloom + 1/4 tsp beastie bloomz
week 8/4 2 tsp grow big + 2 tsp tiger bloom + 1 tbsp big bloom + 1/2 tsp beastie bloomz
week 9/5 2 tsp tiger bloom + 1 tbsp big bloom + 1/4 tsp cha ching
week 10/6 same as week 9
week 11/7 2 tsp tiger bloom + 1 tbsp big bloom + 1/2 tsp cha ching
if longer flower, continue week 11

At beginning of week 11--Check Trichomes-- Flush if ready.. otherwise, continue as with week 11 every week until you flush!
If growing in Soil, you usually Start flushing 2 weeks prior to harvest &
Simply STOP Nuting at whatever week you are at when time to flush