Problem with leaves cant find the answer! ive done research still cant figure it out

The Happy Camper

Active Member
I have my plants 12 inches away from the 600W bulbs, some plants are at least 20 inches away from the light so i know they arent burning. week (5th w in flowering) Im watering with nutrients every other day (some times every other other day) using floralicious bloom with florablend vegan and floralicious plus as enhancers. so i dont think its nute burn. they had mold and i used a water and baking soda mix to get rid of it. it seems to have worked. look closely in the pics at the leaves how theres white dots i cant tell what is causing it, some leaves have tons of them. I have miticide that ive been using off and on so i dont think its mites either. These pics are also the worst case of the leaves most look a lot better then this, but ill cut these ones off, then the next day more will show to replace the ones i cut! im thinking i may not have proper air circulation could this be the cause of the leaves looking like this? the white spots are not dried baking soda ive tried washing off the leaves. Any ideas why?



Active Member
did you check closely for bugs? that white dot /marking stuff kinda looks like thrips maybe. maybe not. what kind of mold did you have? powder mold? what miticide did you use? and why are you u still using it in bloom? are you spraying it on the buds 5th week into bloom? i would stop man. you dont want to be smoking that.

that leaf pic has nothing to do with air circulation. what is your setup? how big space. how many lights. how many plants. what size containers..etc.. what strength are you feeding at? stop cutting leaves off, unless they are TOTALLY fuckd. resist. the leaves are like solar panels.


Active Member
It looks to me like the burn on those leaves is from dumping nutes directly on the leaves. The white spots look like spider mites though. I would check very carfully on the underside of the lower leaves for spidermites. If you do have them i would buy predetory mites or ladybugs and release them at the very end of your light cycle (last minute or 2). Also control temps and keep it under 80. Hope this helps


Active Member
predatory mites are too slow once an advanced infestation has kicked in. if you wait till the end of the cycle, they will have overtaken the garden guaranteed. they breed fast esp in high temps. you will need to look under the leaf and on the top for tiny little bug/spider things! you will see them moving. they are def visible by the naked eye. I had them so bad one time they were building ladders n shit up and down the buds. it was sickening. also, you can see the webs form on the top of the buds. iscrog is right, predatory mites or lady bugs DO work, I just think they need more time to kick in. If you have got a spider mite infestation though, you dont have a lot of time before it can get outta hand. You have to treat multiple times as you not only have to kill the live ones, but then retreat in order to get the eggs that should be hatching. One resolution, although works, just not as effective, is a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water sprayed on them.. like 2:1 or something. look it up on RIU here. its probably here somewhere documented.

Me personally, after that last one infestation, I split a bottle of Forbid 4F by Bayer. NOT something you can use in flower AT ALL. Ideally when they are strong seedlings, and I have been known to just dunk the clone or young plant. That stuff is actually translaminar, so you dont have to worry about spraying both sides of the leaves (it literally seeps through the leaf and will protect/eliminate on the other side) like you do with floramite, or those others - .. they are good too. I just like Forbid for the translaminar part.

you should be able to get stuff to treat thrips at like Ace, or the Depot, etc.


Active Member
ya man that looks like mites or thrips? if you hav'nt found any webs its probly thrips! i got thrips once b4 and they did the same thing....eating the flesh of the leaves then eventually the whole plant will turn soft,yellow and die! if you dont catch them. when you are done with this pull sanitize everything to make sure it never happens again!!!

The Happy Camper

Active Member
Thanks Guys, ive HAD mites, i cleared them im sure these are THRIPS! Does any one know any bud safe sprays i can use to get rid of them? These little suckers have been mostly one 1 plant for a good 2 weeks now so its pretty bad. Would water and rubbing alcohol be the safe cure for the thrips?


Active Member
buraka's got the right idea,if you are to far along into flowering you could damage....that fogger looks pretty safe but if you are to far along you could go in an individually wash what area's you can with somthing like "safer" and just try to stop any thing crazy from happening! but no matter what how ever you deal with them when you are done tear everything down and start from fresh and clean, at that point you can do prevenitiv measure's! "" an ounce of prevention is betta than a pound of failure""


I work for that company that buraka linked to, and if it is thrips, insecticial soaps or organicide are about the only things you can use in flowering. If its mites i'd either go with azamax or smc. Apply now and again in 3-4 days. In the meantime, no matter which of these you use, you should be protecting the leaves with a mixture of neem oil and plain, green, original Palmolive dish soap. This will help the neem oil to gel up and stick a little better. I recommend either DynaGro or Einstein Oil. Good luck and be careful man, youre at the point where you can do a lot of damage by using something that isnt safe for human consumption.


Active Member
please tell me you've isolated that one plant with the bugs in question to another room? or is that possible? if you can keep the bugs away from the others (which now this reply is 2 days later) then maybe you sacrifice that one for the good of the others? i dunno.

if you spray them down more than once a day, maybe with that alcohol solution, the other stuff Jcickcil talked about, and try to keep the temps as low as possible, then maybe you can stick it out.

again, how far into flowering are you?

I think you need to raise lights a little bit if you're using Neem oil - right guys?