Problem with my mh lamp or not?


Well-Known Member
Greetings fellow growers.
Im having a question that maybe someone can help me with?

I have a metal halide lamp on 400w on a digital ballast. Im a bit worried about the condition of the lamp.
The lamp is fairly new and works fine. But when i look at the arc tube inside the bulb i see a small hole thats going out from the arc tube. When i look at the lamp i can see a yellow light in the lower parts of the bulb is this normal or just reflections should i change my bulb? I can attach a picture later when im off work. /flodas


Well-Known Member
Greetings fellow growers.
Im having a question that maybe someone can help me with?

I have a metal halide lamp on 400w on a digital ballast. Im a bit worried about the condition of the lamp.
The lamp is fairly new and works fine. But when i look at the arc tube inside the bulb i see a small hole thats going out from the arc tube. When i look at the lamp i can see a yellow light in the lower parts of the bulb is this normal or just reflections should i change my bulb? I can attach a picture later when im off work. /flodas
If it works fine i doubt there is anything wrong with it.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
some of those mh bulbs look like they are falling apart or burned parts inside . some actually hortilux you may even see a powder looks like broke glass inside . all normal .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
lol. that why i stopped buying did side by side with ipower vs hortilux plant to me looked better under the ipower . same ballasts . same age bulbs . the ipower just had a bit more colorin the plant possible the spectrum was different i dont have a par meter to check just see the end results .