Problem with seedlings


hey guys so I am in my first grow here and some of the seedlings arnt looking so good.

I started em off with a 1000watt light which i know is a little to strong but it was all i had, but temps are usually between 80 - 83.

I have 6 all together, but three of them are doing fine the other three are not doing so good.

All of them are just producing there second set of leaves and there coteydons have fallen off aswell.

But one is not growing at all verticaly, but it already produced its 1st set of marijuana trait leaves.

another seedling is growing crooked and its leaves look a little bent.

The other seedlings is growing crooked aswell but its leaves are curling upwards.

and the other three seedlings look absolutely fine.

Im not sure what is wrong, only the cotyledons have yellowed and most have already fallen off but the other leaves look nice and healthy on most of them.

Could it be that they need to be started feeding since there cotyledons have fallen? or maybe over watering?

Help would be greatly appreciated

here are the pics:



Active Member
Wow those are blurry pictures....add some more fairly dry soil around the plant...right up to those round leaves...water from below when you do water. No nutes...not yet.


lol yeah sorry about your saying i could be over watering them? and when should i start feeding nutes


hey man, i dont grow soil but am going to try and give you some advice. Well for starts in your first pic, you cotelydon leaves look brown and crispy, my babies are about three weeks old and are only just thinking about loosing there baby leaves.:-? If you could take another pic to show the position of where your light is to your pots? am guesing that the ones directly beneathe the light are the ones growing striaght and the bent ones are the ones further to the side>?? :roll:this usually what happens, the plants bend towards the light, all plants do, its a thing call posotive phototropism, where they grow more on one side only to try and reach the light. also how close is your 1000w? i would recomend moving it a bit further away. finally i would say your leaves look a bit dry and crispy... though there are some blurry ass pics lol:mrgreen: What is your humidity/temps? and do you have any fans in there moving the air?>

In my very very first grow my plants got to this age and died, they crisped up as it was too hot, not humid enough.

p.s you should not start feeding untill they show there second set of true leaves, even then start them off on 1/4 dose nutes.

Provide answers to the above and hopefully i will be able to help a bit more:bigjoint:


hey man, i dont grow soil but am going to try and give you some advice. Well for starts in your first pic, you cotelydon leaves look brown and crispy, my babies are about three weeks old and are only just thinking about loosing there baby leaves.:-? If you could take another pic to show the position of where your light is to your pots? am guesing that the ones directly beneathe the light are the ones growing striaght and the bent ones are the ones further to the side>?? :roll:this usually what happens, the plants bend towards the light, all plants do, its a thing call posotive phototropism, where they grow more on one side only to try and reach the light. also how close is your 1000w? i would recomend moving it a bit further away. finally i would say your leaves look a bit dry and crispy... though there are some blurry ass pics lol:mrgreen: What is your humidity/temps? and do you have any fans in there moving the air?>

In my very very first grow my plants got to this age and died, they crisped up as it was too hot, not humid enough.

p.s you should not start feeding untill they show there second set of true leaves, even then start them off on 1/4 dose nutes.

Provide answers to the above and hopefully i will be able to help a bit more:bigjoint:

Hey thanks for ur help, for starters the light is about 4 feet above the plants, temps are usually 80 - 83. And yes i do have one fan circulating the air on the floor next to the pots, im not sure how to check humidity but do you think maybe i should put that fan on lowest setting as well?


Active Member
^^^ I agree...I use a T-12 with 6500k bulbs for seedlings.With a fan blowing, I can put them right down to the plants.

Keeping the surface dry will help keep mildew down, and reduce tamping off, so water from below until they get a good hold on life...if you can't water from below, then water the edges of the pot,stay away from the stem... make the roots search for water.


Well-Known Member
Don't water them too much and keep them far away from the light man. they are just babbbies


Well-Known Member
they are little, you can water them like once a week. let the dirt dry out fully and then water just a little bit at a time. hopefully they do make it


Hey thanks for ur help, for starters the light is about 4 feet above the plants, temps are usually 80 - 83. And yes i do have one fan circulating the air on the floor next to the pots, im not sure how to check humidity but do you think maybe i should put that fan on lowest setting as well?
o.k kl, well it sounds like what was happening to me when i started from seed with my 400HPS, and yours is much stronger!:wall:. Even though your babies can have plenty of water throgh the soil, the air can be really dry giving that crispy effect to there leaves and that wilted appearence. During flowering thats fine to have a drier air but at the moment, seedlings like moist air. I would deffinately agree that your light is WAY to powerfull for seedlings, i would recomend flurosecent tubes, like th other guy said, or CFLs, but if thats all you got thats what you gotta work with just now!.... if they last...:fire:

SO... what i would do is make a tiny investment in a hygrometer( think thats how you spell it) or a humidity meter. I got mine from ebay for £3 works a treat

in the mean time get a bucket/basin/tray anything to catch water. Wet one towel and hang it up in your grow area, over a hanger or on clips or anything, kinda aim your fan toward it and this will evapourate the water raising the humidity of the grow room. Depending on how powerfull that light is you may need to hang two towels..(if you have the room. These may need re soaked morning and night once they dry out. Also do you have a spray bottle>? have you been misting your babies with water? they love it, and helps stop the leaves drying out:leaf::-P.

and as i grow hydro i have no idea about watering, but from what the other guys have said about watering schedule sounds right! providing that temp/humidity/ph are all in check by rule of thumb:
  • when a plant has had too much of something like food or water the leaves curl downward
  • When a plant is hinagary/dry the leaves curl upward
  • nice straight out in the middle is the nice happy medium we all strive for:clap:


Well-Known Member
you could've just put the 3 bullets in your post and that's it....

he's obviously only having problems with his watering habits and lighting, it's been fixed. he doesn't need all that info you are forcing.

All he has to do is put the light further from the plants and water


you could've just put the 3 bullets in your post and that's it....

he's obviously only having problems with his watering habits and lighting, it's been fixed. he doesn't need all that info you are forcing.

All he has to do is put the light further from the plants and water
My bad, just trying to help out a fellow newb and answer questions thouroughly, i had a very similar problem when i started and it sounds like a humidity issue.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, it's all good. more information the better, but if people fall asleep reading it... lol ~_~


Well-Known Member
OMG Dude are you insane? 1000 Watts....that's 100,000 fucking lumens on seedlings.
You need therapy. No more than 125 watts. Now go turn the light off!


K sooo i moved the light about as high as i could approx 5-6 feet away, and i dont think i made myself clear the 1000watts is all tht is available i have no money to spend right now...

its currently in a 4x4 tent, you think if i leave the front open light will escape therefor it will be less intense for the seedlings?