Problems during late flowering...



I am currently growing a NL strain... Im about 4-5 weeks into flower. Im using a 400w HPS. I see A LOT of yellow leaves forming ( I know that the buds take nutrients from the leaves towards the end of the flower cycle) but there is A LOT of yellow at the moment. I also notice that my colas are not compact and there doesn't seem to be a lot of bud forming around the branches. There's a lot of space between bud sites etc...

Here are some pics

There's probably another week or two on flower and I can't see these branches filling out in that time. Any help/info would be much appreciated.

I think typical flowering time for NL is 50-55 days so if you are only on day 30ish you will see the majority of weight added in the last 2 weeks. What kind of lighting and how far away are the lights?


Well-Known Member
As far as I know there is nothing you can do in last two weeks for early fading leaves. Just ride it out and make notes in your journal to feed your plants more going into flowering next time, or keep them on a veg feed cycle for first two weeks of flower next time.

Your stretching can be reduced next grow by topping the plant and maintaining a more level canopy. This will allow you to position your lights a little closer to the majority of your growth.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What are you feeding them? How much and how often? Include everything.
600w will help density down the road.


Thanks for the responses guys...

Here is the info you guys want:

400watt high pressure sodium at 12 inches from one plant and 20 from the other.

Feed FloraNova Bloom... Once every three watering's (roughly 10-12 days). I'm using half the recommended amount (about 3-4 MLs). I ph the water to 6.5ish-7.0 ( I've had some ph problems, was testing about 6.0). It sucks because I have a 600w bulb, I just didn't use it because I used a 400w MH (Put off a lot of heat) and I assumed the 600w would be hot. I could definitely try the 600w next time.

Another thing I've noticed was a couple of temperature changes in the last week, and some low RH (roughly 30-40% for the whole grow).


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Looks like you may be having def problems. Up the amount of nute to the 100% level and feed every other watering. Add a Cal/Mag at 2.5ml per gallon if your in soil and 5ml per if your doing hydro. Add a humic acid to help with the uptake.....Better yet get SEA GREEN and use that to boost your uptake! 1/2ml - 1ml a gallon is enough!(start low and go up if need makes a HUGE differance) That stuff WORKS !!!!! green As you can see on that page they have soil and hydro specific versions. Get a foliar spray and give it a cpl of shots right at lights out. Then stop. That should get them back on track. Yeah try the 600 next time. Good Luck The RH levels are not bad,,,no lower though.