problems...little advice please


Active Member
Hey guys i got some problems that i'm trying to solve. These plants are about two weeks old (closer to four from seed). I got a little excited and used the recommended for germination and seedling nuterients (liquid karma, pro grow) WHAT A MISTAKE! i dilluted my rez to 100 ppm and cut my watering down from 15 min 3 times a day to 7 min three times a day.

I'm pretty worried about the stems, they seem to be pretty weak. My fan is on low, but will almost push the plants over when the fan is close to the plant. The rockwool kinda has a gap between the stem and the rockwool. should i be concerend?
  • i'm using four 24" full spectrum lights 24/7
  • rockwool drip/drain
  • 100 ppm
  • ph 5-6
  • 78-82 F
Does anyone have any tips or suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Hey guys i got some problems that i'm trying to solve. These plants are about two weeks old (closer to four from seed). I got a little excited and used the recommended for germination and seedling nuterients (liquid karma, pro grow) WHAT A MISTAKE! i dilluted my rez to 100 ppm and cut my watering down from 15 min 3 times a day to 7 min three times a day.

I'm pretty worried about the stems, they seem to be pretty weak. My fan is on low, but will almost push the plants over when the fan is close to the plant. The rockwool kinda has a gap between the stem and the rockwool. should i be concerend?
  • i'm using four 24" full spectrum lights 24/7
  • rockwool drip/drain
  • 100 ppm
  • ph 5-6
  • 78-82 F
Does anyone have any tips or suggestions?
Theyre not bad, they will snap right back. But dont expect the damaged leaves to get better.
If it starts to spread/ get worse then do a flush. Lamp