problems!! please help.


Well-Known Member
I think this is being caused by whiteflies but I am not sure. I have been treating with azamax, neem oil, insect soap, and pyrethrum to no avail. I am running coconut fiber with CNS17, guano, bone meal, bloombastic, hygrozyme, calmag



Well-Known Member
I dunno if whiteflies did that...more likely a result of the 4 different "treatments" you've been spraying them with. How long between sprays? How are you cycling the different sprays in your treatment rotation?


Well-Known Member
I agree. If you're putting all that stuff on, you're clogging the leaves up so they can't breathe.
The second pic does look like a nute burn though.


Active Member
I don't mean to come off like an asshole so don't think I am. Is this your first grow? Cannabis is a very resilient plant and as long as you have green they can survive and mature. Your plants are very ill. What is the medium you are growing in and all the other details...water/feed schedule and amounts, temps, ph, rh etc etc.


Active Member
ooops, I saw you are using coconut. I have never grown in anything but soil and have never used any of the additives you listed. Therefore I cannot attempt to advise. I wish you the best of luck though

One thing I will say...I don't think white flies or the foliar treating did this damage. There are some serious nutrient issues going on there. You may have the flies and the treatments may be adding to the problems. But the main problem is what is in and around the roots.


Well-Known Member
its ok GG no its not my first grow Ive been doing everything the same for a year =/ Today I sprayed with plain water and made sure I checked the ph (6) and ppm (900) of my feed water. trying to save my last three deathstars.........


Well-Known Member
Bro dont blame whiteflys for this scraggly looking mess you call a plant. Ok for the whiteflys ,yellow sticky strips hung just above plants and will get rid of them in 2 weeks.Now for the sick plant, its badly nute burnt and very stressed which could have started in a hot grow room with weak lighting, so give it a good flush with 6.5 water ,repot then half the nutes your giving it and cool the room below 80.