problems w/ dry and dying leaves


I apologize for not having pics. I don't have a cam at the moment but I will borrow a friend's ASAP and get some pics on here.


1. Very dry older leaves that are folding upwards from the sides like a taco, which eventually get so dry they just die. The newer leaves are also rigid and dry and are starting to fold upwards in the same manner.

2. brown/yellow/orange areas starting at the base (opposite the tip) of older leaves which eventually spread outwards towards the tip. These brown areas are between the veins of the leaf. The veins remain green..

3. The very tips of older leaves and new growth are a brown reddish color. Even the tiny brand new leaves have these burnt tips. The burnt tips don't seem to spread through the leaves.

Despite all these problems, the new growth seems to be growing at a normal rate and the plant doesn't seem to be stunted. The color of the leaves on the parts that aren't damaged are a normal tone of green. My plant is a little over 3 weeks old, I use FFHF soil and use distilled water with FF Grow Big for nutes (at 1/4 strength). My nute solution is around 6.5 pH when it goes into the soil. My grow room environment is at 73-77 degrees average with an average RH of 30-40%. Also, I have inspected the plant and have not found any sign of pests.

My noob guess: I am experiencing mag and cal deficiency caused by using distilled water with no calmag additives. Wouldn't the Grow Big take care of this or no?


I apologize for not having pics. I don't have a cam at the moment but I will borrow a friend's ASAP and get some pics on here.


1. Very dry older leaves that are folding upwards from the sides like a taco, which eventually get so dry they just die. The newer leaves are also rigid and dry and are starting to fold upwards in the same manner.

2. brown/yellow/orange areas starting at the base (opposite the tip) of older leaves which eventually spread outwards towards the tip. These brown areas are between the veins of the leaf. The veins remain green..

3. The very tips of older leaves and new growth are a brown reddish color. Even the tiny brand new leaves have these burnt tips. The burnt tips don't seem to spread through the leaves.

Despite all these problems, the new growth seems to be growing at a normal rate and the plant doesn't seem to be stunted. The color of the leaves on the parts that aren't damaged are a normal tone of green. My plant is a little over 3 weeks old, I use FFHF soil and use distilled water with FF Grow Big for nutes (at 1/4 strength). My nute solution is around 6.5 pH when it goes into the soil. My grow room environment is at 73-77 degrees average with an average RH of 30-40%. Also, I have inspected the plant and have not found any sign of pests.

My noob guess: I am experiencing mag and cal deficiency caused by using distilled water with no calmag additives. Wouldn't the Grow Big take care of this or no?
I don't want to guess without seeing the plant but here is a link that will help you identify the problem.. hope this helps.....Good Luck


Well-Known Member
maybe nut burn. foxfarm soil comes pretty stocked on nuts for a while. the extra your giving could be burning it.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't sound like nutrient burn to me. I think you're locking out nutrients. This could be a result of high salinity, or a disproportionate amount of calcium and magnesium in relation to other nutrients. I'd be willing to guess it was one of those two nutrient deficiences- probably caused by to high a pH, then again I'm not a real botanist.