problems with curing


Active Member
i'm STILL having problems with curing. this is my first time doing this ever and i'm just about to give up after this season. i have one more plant ready to be chopped and i'm giving up after that one.

I don't know how this curing this is suppose to go but i don't think i'm doing it right. I dried out the buds until the stems snapped, then put them in the jars and they've been curing for about 5 days now. every time i opened the jar, it has the most pungent odor ever. it doesn't smell like good herb, it smells like it just came off the plant. like grass. with a twist. it smokes like it smells too. disgusting.

is this smell ever going away? when i burp it and come back after about 15 minutes, then the smell is gone. but close it up and come back in as little as an hour, the smell is back and just as strong.

help. please! i'm posting pictures too because it doesn't LOOK like good herb either.. it's dark green.. i'm an epic fail. =[

please and thank you.



Well-Known Member
What's crackin caviarmcfly,

Let me be the first to say congrats on your grow and not to quit. After all, we all know where quitters end up... *cough*rehab*cough*

Anyways, that lovely odor you're experiencing is due to the nasty compounds dissipating with the water... hence the point of curing. It'll be there for a bit while you continue to rid your bud of unwanted compounds. However, you might want to increase your buds' exposure time to air in an effort to dry them out just a bit more. It's possible your buds are too moist at the moment. Either way, keep faith. You're doing good so far. Things only get better after practice and experience.
