Problems With My Babies ( With Pics )


Active Member
I know my plants are ugly and diseased but give me some feedback. This is my first grow on very low budget, didnt really buy anything but the lights. I have a weird problem with my biggest plant (see The "drooper" below) in which all of my leaves droop down to the floor for days at a time and all of the stems become very weak and then all of the sudden the leaves will perk back up and stand strong, its very weird.

Im using miracle grow organic choice potting soil. The seeds are bag seed. I have 9 CFL lights ranging from 26-42 watt, most are the Daylight ones and a couple cool white. I haven't used any nutrients yet except these Jobes Nutrient Spikes which i heard were bad so discontinued use.

-The setup - Everything is pretty ghetto rigged but it reflects light well I think.

-The "Drooper" She usually looks much bigger and better. As you can see in the second picture, Ive got some sort of yellow browning disease and purple stems.

The ugly number 2- This plant is pretty ugly too, leaves keep dying starting at the bottom and they work there way up. It has turned brown on all of the ridges of the leaves, like on the little points.

The Baby- Doesn't get as much light as the rest, so its stretching. I like this plant though, its my little retard baby.



Active Member
hey, i too am growing on a really cheap budget - Tin foil is a bad idea, i read in another thread it only reflects 50% of light, and definately causes 'hot spots' which burn your leaves.. Dry a matt white finish i picked up some sheeting of ebay for £5 and there was tons of it.. as for the drooping, im guessing you're over-watering, just water when the soil looks dry, every 3 days or so...
maybe try and raise the light, and it should make the plant grow out more..