guys know whats up


Active Member
Just wondering if anyone can speculate why my some leaves are cupping upwards and even twisting....Thought it was Mg and used a bit of epsom in the water on monday.....

Also is it normal for the younger leaves on new branches to not be as green as the others. Many of them are lighter green and growing

I'll post more pics in a bit. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site Jay$,

have you been checking pH? what type of feedings schedule are you using? what type of nutes? is there any browning? does it start at the top and work down, or from the bottom and work up? What are your temps like? how close are the lights to the plant?

The bright green as you described I actually had as well. It happened when my temps at night were getting a little chilly for the plants.. come to think of it I had the twisting too, but I assumed it was from some type of shock from going too cold to too warm, so I left it alone thinking it would be fine. The plant never did "right itself" and it definitely stunted the plant and I finished with some schwag.


Active Member
I am using biobizz fish, grow, and bloom...bout once a week. 1000watt sodium about 3 feet above them... Havent checked the ph, going to pick up a kit or tester next week. no browning at this time and it seems as though the tops and new branches are a lighter green. twisting and cupping is in the lower to middle of the plant.
Very well could be shock for the first three weeks I had 2 per container and waited to split up and transplant a bit too long...had to cut some of the roots that was last week. They each have a 4 gallon pot now and seem to be recovering just fine.

It could also be the nite time temp...been could the last few nights and the window remains cracked. Only 2 have this problem while I appear to have at least one healthy lady...



Active Member
Hi I am having a similar problem with cupping however mine are going down and i am in my 4th week of flowering and ideas guys??????????????????///


Well-Known Member
IF the edges of the leaves are curling upwards on smaller leaves.. it will be just fine.. for the bigger leaves there reachin for the light fro mwhat I understand. What kind of light setup do you have? MH, HPS, FL, CFL, LED?


Active Member
im using a hps 400w solarmax light at the moment... I have just installed a fan at the bottom to create negative pressure and the hotter air escapes from the top through a vent... at the moment im not sure about the watering side of things..... i have a resivoir which my roots were sitting in... i ahve just removed the roots from the water and it is being watered now 3 times a day for half hour


Active Member
also my main stems are really close to the light some of them are actually past the light already i have just tied them down a little........... I am running out of ideas to solve the cupping problem and i am open for suggestions....................... thnx