Progressive Grow Box


Hello rollitup, this is my first indoor grow, it is really low budget, so everything up to now are things that I have found around the house, I am planning on investing more on the system based on its requirements (that is why its called progressive GroBox :) ), this is because I dont have the money right now to purchase everything, and I think it will give me a real time oportunity to actually "measure" each modification´s impact. A bit of a background, the Op has to be as stealthy as possible, the only advantage I have now is that nobody can get into the room, for now. I need the structure to be as portable as possible, since I am moving sometime this year. Kind of a heads up, spanish is my first language so just in case something has no sense don´t hesitate in asking.
- this is more like a personal journal so i can keep track of the project´s progress, just for you know I am doing this with the goal of being THC self-suffcient at some point, but also I am doing this for fun (nevertheless I would be very glad if it would pay for the money invested on it, makes it even more fun)

So i will be starting with this basic setup; 2X 25W 6400K CFLs for vegging and will be upgrading as the plant needs it/ i can afford it.

The soil is a standard organic soil and currently feeding vermicompost in this stage and planning on keeping it as organic as possible along the way, thus I am not restricted to organic only.

The grow box itself lacks of a top and bottom structure, this is because I can´t find the vent system I need, hoping i can read enough threads to find out what exactly do I need, it has to be effcient but really quiet, because the noise has to be kept inside the room (if possible inside the BOX), as well as the smell.

Going for a Scrog since the number of plants is an important factor, less plants are better in this case, there is no regulation or number of plants specified by the law so...

Future upgrades:
Top and bottom with their respective vent system. (Interested in PC fans with speed controller)
Soundproofing the grow box if possible.
Lightproofing (right now its not a problem, but it will be once i start flowering and it adds up to the stalth feature).
Upgrading lights, just found out about some 50w CFLs, getting one this week, maybe another one next week and so on. Would like to grow all the way with CFLs, but i am open to the idea of getting HPS for flowering, maybe 150W or so...
SCROG mesh
PH tester (PH blind right now)
(basically everything)
I am sprouting seeds almost twice a week just in case they die along the way...grobox 034.jpg

Note: I noticed that people should not post on other journals if they were not asked by the owner of the thread, well I need feedback in order to improve, personally I think this is lame since everyone can learn at least a bit from everybody else, so feel free to give me advice, warnings etc, any info will help! Thank You in advance!



Growing space: 61mx61mx1,22m
Area: 0,37 m²

I read that 10000 lumen per sq meter was good, this means that my growing area needs around 3700 lumen.

The 50W 6500K CFL bulb says it has an output of 62lumen per watt, a total of 3100 lumen, this means I am around 600 short of "optimal" light conditions, the problem might be that the effectiveness of the bulb is lost after 3-4 inches (so ive read), would this mean that I would need a 50 W bulb close to every green matter of the grow box in order to provide a good illumination, or am I good with one or two 50W Bulbs for vegging a 0,37m² SCROG?

Grow Box update: The oldest plant has two sets of real leaves now, the oldest set of leaves got burned because I sprayed them (won´t do it again) and the light got magnified and burned the leaves. The newer set of leaves is tending to go upwards (like if it was looking for light), even though the one of the 26Wbulbs is 1 inch or so from the plant.

Today I took the second plant out of the germination microclimate thing since it started to show its first set of real leaves, i was afraid of them getting moisture stressed or any virus because of that, but it took that move terrible since it got dehydrated, even the cotyledons went down, don´t think it will survive, but it is in the capsule back again.

Other two seedlings are coming up, and one seed is getting germinated, so everything is cool for now as I buy more time to equip myself and fuck thing up in order to learn, trial and error for now.

Meanwhile I am going to smoke a Johnson of some bolivian brick weed i have to keep on buying until I get the grab of this. Cheers!


A photo of the oldest plant, it has like 5 days, see the leaves pointing upwards, wonder what that means. The one that got burned (like 3 days old and one set of real leaves) is still hanging in there, fell bad for it, but more are sprouting.grobox 063.jpggrobox 064.jpg

I use that cardboard as a Mulch, what do you think about mulching? Is there a more efficient way of mulching? the vermicompost tends to fly away when the top layer gets dry.