Couple things to note.....
Arizona Department of Health has 120 days from November 29th, 2010 to implement a standard operating procedure for prop 203. Dispensary and medical card applications probably won't be approved until around Spring. is a website from someone who is opening a dispensary in Phoenix. They have a pre-registration that would help you obtain your card when eligible. They already have a network of doctors that are willing to write recommendations.
About cultivation...obviously you are not permitted to grow until you have your med card and even so you have to have approval from AZDH. In order to be eligible, you would need to be outside 25 miles from your local dispensary. From what I have heard, dispensaries probably won't start distributing medication until summer of 2011. Not sure if they would permit personal cultivation until that time but possibly around March.
I know a lot of you suffering desert rats want to get to work on your grow ops but be careful until you get your card. This initiative is very specific on personal cultivation and not everyone will be permitted to grow. Just be safe...especially now that Arizona is on the Drug Enforcement Administration's radar. Those in Maricopa County be aware of Joe Arpaio and his deputies because he did oppose this measure as well as the entire red Arizona government. Good Day everybody!