Proper pruning of fan leaves?


Active Member
I have read many threads with the pros and cons of fan leaf removal during flowering, Due to lack of space I will have to remove some of them. I read pruning of the lower third of the plant will do the least harm? also where do I cut the branches? near the trunk? Any info would be appreciated ,this is my first grow... thanks


Well-Known Member
I read somewere to cause the least stress you should leave 1/3 - 1/2 of the stem.

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
you shouldnt cut your fan leaves, you should tuck them under, or cut them in half. To remove the whole thing cut at the base


Active Member
by the time my girls are into their flowering stage (scrog grow)most fan leaves have been removed from the bottom 1/3 of plant, completely and any fan leaves shadowing bud sites from the canopy also are removed..I remove the fan leaves by pinching just the leaf off, leaving the stalk behind, attached to the eventually dries off and no harm is done ie; any fungal infection..have read a lot of theories on the pros and cons of whether or not to remove fan leaves..I do and never had a long as you dont strip it bare and leave enough leaves for photosynthesis during the veg stage you'll be fine