Protection from wind


Active Member
3 days ago i visited my site and had 8 seedlings in cages all have been out of the soil for 6-12 days.... today all were gone except the biggest(maybe 6 inches/2 nodes) which was broken but recovering and 1 other that was on the edge(i threw in the seeds that didnt germinate, this one made it) and protected from the wind i guess. The crazy thing was that they were just gone, no holes from animals and i only found one laying there, the rest were nowhere to be seen so i assume it was wind...It was obvious that the storm out there was 10x more severe than at home(15 minutes away on backroads)...weeds and grass were all layed down

Last year i never had this happen but now im curious as to how i can fight the wind? What is my solution?..can i put seran wrap around the cage for 1-1.5 feet? Due to my living situation i was not about to keep them at home until they were 3 weeks old or so.


Aside from sheltering or staking them there isn't much else you can do. Some wind is just too strong for plants.... look in the woods and you'll see huge trees uprooted by wind

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
sprout them in a window inside and let them get a few inches tal and then bring them out. Sorry for the loss bro : (


Well-Known Member
ive dug my 3x3 holes already and since my babies are small i set the pots in the holes, they still get adequate light but since they are bellow ground level the wind passes right over them

they have survived a few rather nasty wind and rain storms already


Active Member
so does anybody like the seran wrap idea? or maybe i can make small stakes and use trash bag twist ties to tie them down


Saran wrap probably won't be strong enough, you can buy clear plastic sheets though from hardware stores which would be much more suitable imo. Someone I know made a temporary greenhouse out of that stuff before. Your best bet would be to stake them and staple, nail, or screw the sheets. Depends how concealed you need your grow to be though and if you anticipate more wind.


Well-Known Member
Just stake them! Find a suitable stake that is a couple feet tall and drive it into the ground about an inch away from your plant and use some string to tie your plant to the stake, not so tight that youre breaking its stem but not so loose that the string will fall off.