Prune? or not?


hello, growers. I have heard from good growers on both sides that cutting the fan leaves in flowering is advised. I am trying both. Dose anyone have experience in this topic? lighting, air flow?:joint:


Well-Known Member
more leafs means more bud. dont cut unless you have dying leafs, infestations or mold on them


Well-Known Member
I don't pull or cut the fan leaves until they are completely yellow and hanging limp, the other exception would be diseased or mold I guess. The plants use the energy stored in the leaves to make the flowers, so cutting them off decreases the available energy to the other parts of the plant mainly the buds. If you have an abundance of fan leaves blocking light to buds try moving them around to allow the light in but I would strongly suggest leaving them attached to the plant, nature put them there for a reason.
Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
I don't pull or cut the fan leaves until they are completely yellow and hanging limp, the other exception would be diseased or mold I guess. The plants use the energy stored in the leaves to make the flowers, so cutting them off decreases the available energy to the other parts of the plant mainly the buds. If you have an abundance of fan leaves blocking light to buds try moving them around to allow the light in but I would strongly suggest leaving them attached to the plant, nature put them there for a reason.
Happy Growing

WHAT HE SAID! I can't believe how many people out there are trying to cut off their fan leaves thinking it's gonna help. havent they noticed anyone with pics on this site that cuts their fan leaves have waaay smaller plants than those that let them rock naturally. look at FDD2BLK's grow journal or mine or any of the popular ones. nobody cut's their fan leaves unless they are a rookie that thinks the "bud sites" need more light. which is rediculous because the buds arent what photosynthesize the light!