Prune right before flower.


Active Member
Good evening fellow agriculturists!

Have grown hundreds of plants in the past. Best yield outdoor was 18 pounds off 4 plants here in Appalachia. However. Haven't grown a thing since 2014.

Got a Chemdog Cookie gal in plain view of the road in a raised vegetable garden. It's started getting too tall. Am afraid by the time stretch and flower is over it'll be visible from the road. I did plant 3 rows of corn below it to hopefully create a privacy fence.

I'm considering taking 3 to 6 nodes off each top, likely cloning them and bringing under 18/6 for next year. Probably 3 weeks away from flowering but the looks of it. But again. I'm super rusty. This gonna fuck her up or make more bushy?

Is this a crazy idea? Had a friend years back that grew. He swore he cut them down hard-core right before flower and ended up with serious nuggage. Claimed he did it every time. Indoor of course. and was always super stuff. Made it sound like he cut of all but 2 or 3 of the lowest nodes per branch. Sound foolish? I've always wondered about it the last 15 years

Wondered about trying that on this gal.

Also thought about fimming the tops and see what it does. I know this wouldn't help my height issue

Thanks in advance. Gonna do something with her the next couple days.

Also, sad to say, where I'm at in southern kentucky, they should be full fledge flower by mid August. Yeah? Been way too long.



Well-Known Member
i had friends back in the day, that used tent pegs and staked each branch back down to the ground, i used to come round and see it in flower was like looking at a six foot ground cover, with :weed: buds