Pruning before harvest


Hey beautiful people. I've got an outdoor sativa dominate outdoor plant and a mate said it has too many water leave and I should trim them down. Would this be advisable? I've trimmed the majority of larger fan leaves. She's been flowering for about 3 weeks. Also there's no fragrance. Should I be worried about that?



Well-Known Member
Oh shit I didn’t notice you said you’ve already defoliated lol. Definitely leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
Hi man, I've never heard or read anything like too much water leave before. There are those who defoliate leaves but they do it with the purpose or increasing ventilation, and some others with the purpose of "letting the buds receive more sun light"
If that was my plant I wouldn't remove any fan leaves unless it's too crowded and it needs more ventilation, fan leaves is where the plants store nutrients, also where the photosistesis process begins in the plant. If you remove all fan leaves your plant will go ahead and grow more fan leaves because she needs them.