Pruning, dead leaves, small buds - cannabutter??


Hey folks. I have a pretty good jungle going on and some of the lower leaves are turning yellow because there is no light on the bottom. I prune these fan leaves, and some of the smaller bud nodes that are not developing. I now have a pretty good sized pile of dead and dry leaves. Can I make cannabutter with this? I want to have something for my friend on the 4th of July. I know it won't be too potent but its worth a try right?


Well-Known Member
uhuh go for it :)
just wait till you collect a fair bit, go to the cooking with cannabis section and read up on the specific qantitites of bud or leaf or suger leaf u need per gram of butter per cookie etc etc


Well-Known Member
those bottom leaves are yellowing for a reason my friend, the plant is taking the stored energy and nutrients from the leaves since they are no longer considered worth keeping alive by the plant,leaves get old and less effecient. if they dont come off with a gentle tug leave them be man. the plant knows what its doing.

Yes, go ahead, what do you have to lose? nothing really. So its worth a shot. make sure you get the butter with the highest fat levels you can find.


Yeah the leaves that are browning or yellow I can generally tug off, or they fall off when I bump into the plant. Some I cut because its growing into a wall or door or something... Thanks though, I will check out the cooking section, didn't know it existed!