Pruning question for an overgrown garden?


I have a small setup I put a few too many plants in, some are very big some are smaller, but they're all kind of overgrowing each other now.

I am thinking about pruning off all side branches and leaves and just flowering the tops..
They're about a week into flowering right now..would this be okay?
I need some clones anyway..
this was my screwed up attempt at a first grow and I have 2 big plants, 4 medium plants and and 6 small plants in a 18"x24"(x9" deep) floodtray..hehe..

I have heard of people taking clones 2 weeks into flower and them still being okay.. however would cutting off most of a plants side branches like that damage it in any significant way..?

I figured this way I can get good light coverage at least to the top colas of each plant and only flower out top colas, trim all side branches, use what I want for clones and get rid of the rest..

This is my first time doing this however so I don't know how this will work SEEMS like this would give me great top buds, however I don't know that's why I am asking you please give me some advice! =b

Much appreciated,


Take the bottom branches off and leave the sides alone if possible. Just spend some time every day and tie the side branches to the main stalk... Thats what i do!


Well-Known Member
H2P obviously didn't read what you said. If they aren't all females then wait another week or 2 and remove the males, that should get rid of any crowding.

If you know they are all females, then do what you intended and trim the side and lower growth. Having them constantly stretching as they try to overgrow each other won't do any of them any good. If you're a week into flowering then just make sure they aren't shading each other in any way and they should yield decently and not stretch much by harvest time. Leaving them as they are now will just make them fight for light and waste nutrients. Lolli-popping works well anyway to what I've seen so that's your best route.