Pruning Questions

I've read a lot about lollipopping on here, and how trimming all the lower growth will focus all the bud growth to the main cola. My question is: if 20 or so bud spots that may only produce a gram a piece are trimmed off, will the main cola produce 20 more grams?


Well-Known Member
I think it depends on where you are growing it. If you're growing indoors with limited space it might be a good idea since the lower growth won't get much light. If you have room I would lst or supercrop or both. I lst'd my last harvest and got several huge buds from each plant. I used the popcorn and trim for hash.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I let a25 inch, topped plant go "full bush", only the topmost bud was smokable. An ounce of popcorn and all the lower buds were crap, hardly worth extracting.
So, unless you're getting great light penetration, I'd recommend lollypopping.


Well-Known Member
it depends on strain/pheno , some plants you can remove all the lower growth and the colas will not get any bigger
you will lose yield overall on plants like that
some strains put out strong side branching and yield well on the lower branches, if you are able to get light directly to these branches they
will become colas

some will make much larger colas anyway, if you remove the lower bud the colas will get fatter, weather it will weigh more overall will be relative to lots of factors
often pruning/lolipoping is more about improving the quality of the yield by removing lower wispy bud and only producing dense cola bud , which is easier to trim, higher flower to leaf ratio overall better quality etc , rather than improving overall yield

unless you have totally filled your space with fat colas, then its likely removing lower growth will reduce overall yield on many strains
although if you can get plants close enough or branches close enough to fill all the space with colas like scog or sog type grows and no light gets to the bottom of the plants, then it is best to remove that bottom growth anyway since it will be of no use, and can cause problems later on

you cant tell how best to grow a plant until you have grown it a few times try out different training methods
each plant/pheno can react differently to pruning/bending/topping etc see what works best for each plant
some plants can be very versatile and will work well topped / untopped, as a sog style or a large bush virtually any way you grow it
they will produce well , other plants are much more fickle and are best suited grown in a certain way
you will only know when you test out each pheno

good luck :)