

New Member
Hey everyone, should I prune all the leaves off of my bud before I dry it, or after. Thanks Dewbie Newbie.


Well-Known Member
trimming is as it states.. trim then dry for a more even dry. when you leave it all on it makes it harder to trim after..

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
trimming is as it states.. trim then dry for a more even dry. when you leave it all on it makes it harder to trim after..
agree...but if you only have a small plant to harvest it's okay to take the "harder" method

snip it at ground level and hang the whole plant...It slows down the entire process of drying....which is a good thing, but I would only do this on a small harvest


Well-Known Member
The only reason I trim off all the fan leaves before drying is, I keep the bud trim, and the fan leaves seem to get mixed in if left on. it makes the bud trim suck.