Pure Sativa Jams

it seems that just about eveyrthing has either been pure indica or indica dominent strains. pure sativas take longer to flower and it also seems people like to pick as early as possible because theyre not patient enough to wait the two or three weeks. i just had two starins i havent had in a while. sour diesel and lambs breath. the sd is 90% sativa so its pretty close. but the lambs breath is 100% pure sativa. sure the indicas hit you hard and bring you down hard with them. but the sativa is just pure happines and its incredibly uplifting and so heady. its insane. for me the wait was deffinatley woth it. any body else been smoking any good pure sativas out there?


Well-Known Member
Its the other way around here, but it is africa afterall...sativas abound, indica's limited to rich white guys ordering seeds from abroad.