Active Member
So I have an outdoor plant, but it is in a huge bucket, not in the ground. It has been growing GREAT for the last 12 weeks as I have been giving it small doses of fert, trying not to burn it out. After it reached about 4ft tall, I gradually started the 12/12 cycle by bringing it indoors in my dark room. It started flowering like crazy about 10 days ago so I changed the fert, giving her a 15-27-5 ratio fert. I left for the weekend and when I got home from the long weekend up north, there were tons more crazy white hairs everywhere and actual buds starting to show! One problem, the stems leading to my fan leaves are dotted with purple spots and some of the stems are turning completely purple...but just the stems leading to the fan leaves, nothing else. Anyone know what this is and how I can fix it if it is a problem???
Thanks all