Purple Haze Grow (also my first grow)


Active Member
all right, so i've been a frequenter of this forum for quite some time now, so i finally decided to start a grow journal for my purple haze plant.

this is my first plant, and my first grow.... so feel free to critisize anything i'm doing, because most likely your comments will help me out in the long run.

so here are the specs on things so far:

the plant is almost 2 weeks old (although it's only been in the soil for about 9-10 days). i've been keeping it lit exclusively via CFL's. as of right now, i have (4) 23 Watt CFL's hanging literally right above the top of the plant. this is not going to be the permanent setup, but i'm getting ready to move, so i want to wait to build the custom grow box for the new house.

the soil i used was a good "all-purpose" soil from a gardening store in the US. in fact it already came loaded with super nutrients and shit. it seems to be working fairly well so far.

as far as watering goes, this is where i might need some help. i have been watering it almost everyday, but with very little water (~50-100 mL or 2-4 oz.). the pot is usually dry within the next 24 hours, so i water it again. im not sure if this is good/bad or what, but i have read many times on here to water it once every 3 days, so i might start doing that, but with larger amounts of water obviously.

the only other thing i will add right now is that i have watered the plant with nutrients once already. again, i've read on these forums that i might have done that too early, so i went back to straight watering, but the nutrient mix i added was 24-8-16, and i mixed it in with a gallon of water to get the concentration right, then i probably added 20-40 mL of this to the plant.

pics are below..... let me know what you think, and if you have any inspiring words to keep me motivated to make a fatty plant.

thanks all. cheers.



Well-Known Member
ahh, im gonna be watching this grow as i love purple haze. just a few noob tips for u though,

dont feed any nutes for 3 to 4 weeks. especially those nutes, they are too strong. dont feed them that stuff again for a few weeks, just stick to water.

i found that with my baby plants they did need watering quite abit. but now they are like every 4 days. just water enough so that the water drips through the drainage holes at the bottom. thats how u tell that u watered it just right.

also, u can stick ur finger in the soil and see if its wet.

is this purple haze a normal seed or a fem seed? where did u get it from?

the plant looks ok though, just dont give it nutes for few weeks, thats why the leaves are kinda shriveled abit. other than that, ur grow is fine.

edit: u can give the plant those nutes after the 4 weeks if ur planning on veggin for longer, u will have to change ur nutes for flowering though


Well-Known Member
Well the thing is when it comes to seedlings or clones for that matter it is not wise to take the slowly or swiftly killing your babies with fertilizer kindness. I use liquid fertilizer at those stages but in extremely small amounts and rather an alterante feed/water cycle. I water/water/feed so to give me some cushion to not cause nutrient toxicity to the small babies.


Active Member
thanks for the insight on the nutes. i quickly learned after i read some of the threads that i definitely shoudln't have watered with nutrients this early.

i changed the setup for the lamps so now i have 4 CFLs hanging around the one plant. all the bulbs are rated at putting out 1800 lumens, so if i'm at perfect efficiency that means my plant is getting like 7200 lumens of light, which is ridiculous. obviously its not getting that much, but i do think that it is growing quite a bit with the extra light, and the better set up as well.

pics to come in a little bit.


Active Member
the reflector is just two 9" x 9" aluminum baking pans that you can buy at a store. i bought a 3-pack of them for about $2 i think. i made square holes on the one for the lights.... tried to make them big enough for the socket, but small enough that light doesn't escape out. i just used an orange utility knife (box cutter) to make the incisions.

i then took another pan and cut out the entire bottom and then used some silicone to line the edge of the bottom pan, and i placed the one with the four holes in it on top of it (inverted obviously), and it actually turned out really well. SUPER CHEAP to make, and it definitely does the job.

reflects the light actually A LOT better than i would imagine, so my plant is very happy.


Active Member
just from looking at some other grow journals, it seems like most of the plants i've seen have started off growing like 2-4 inches without getting many leaves at all. mine is only like 2-3 inches and it has likek over 10 leaves coming off of it already...

is this is sign of things to come?
(hopefully this means that it's loving the 6,000+ lumens of light i'm giving it and it is going to thank me by producing a shit ton of bud).


Well-Known Member
check out the pics of my grow man, mines not even a foot tall and its absoultely blooming!


Active Member
Ok everyone, I know that I haven't updated my journal in a while and everyone out there is dying to know how my plant is doing..... (haha) I was in the middle of moving houses and going on vacation, etc. etc., so I'm finally back in the swing of things with some regular action on the boards.

Since my last post (which was over a month ago I think), my plant has seen its fair share of changes. I had to move it around a lot during my move, which meant some inconsistent lighting/watering. In fact, it looked pretty bad for a while because I went on vacation for 6 days, and during my vacation the power was out for 3 days... so I was really worried that my plant was screwed, but weeks later it seems to be doing GREAT!

So like I said, it's been about a month I think since my last post (I should look, but I'm too lazy to get out of this window to check), and other than the 3 days without light, I have since added some nutrients to my watering schedule. Again, the nutes I'm adding are 24-8-16, which are just like super all-around nutes by Miracle Grow. I'm usually watering every 2-3 days, and I'm alternating between the nutrient mix and plain water.

It seems to be enjoying everything so far.

Here are some pictures of the baby (again, she's PURPLE HAZE), so you can see what she looks like.

As always, please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, etc. Thanks!


Active Member
i have read/heard a lot of different things about this. and i know that there is no TRUE answer to "when to flower?"

but with that, it's my understanding that the longer I let the plant grow during the vegetative state, the larger it will be, and the more bud that the plant will produce during the flowering stage..... is this at all accurate?

Also, I know that there are genetic limits on how large a plant can get, so don't worry, I'm not trying to grow this baby to 12 feet or anything....

Comments welcome.


Well-Known Member
it will at least double, if not triple in size during flowering. it looks more than ready to me :)


Active Member
my plan was to cut off the bottom of this flower pot, put the entire thing into a larger flower pot with some heavily nuted soil, and let the plant veg for about 2 more weeks.

from what i have read, this allows the main cola to get hellas fat and the plant will produce way more bud just because of this minor change towards the end of the veg stage.

i'm in no rush, and i feel like the plant could be a monster producer, and i really don't have space limitations, so i say, LET IT GROW BABY!

(unless you experts say that i'm an idiot, haha)



Active Member
from what i've read around the boards, what you see in these pictures is no indicator of male/female..... it's just another shoot, right?

anyway, these are the two best shots i could get of a node, so if you see something that i don't what would indicate sex, please let me know. but i think that i have a girl for sure....she's been pretty dank so far, so i can only hope that it all turns out well.

