Purple Haze?


Well-Known Member
attitude seeds or seedboutique.com
purple haze sells by white label seeds or g13 labs


Well-Known Member
well here the good and the bad one real purple haze you cant buy all the seedbanks are playing the name game purple haze was busted years ago and only floats out there in the form of clones but are very very very very very imposibble to find

good news there is reports that old timers haze from ACE SEEDS although not real but is very close to purple haze


Well-Known Member
Positronics - Purple Haze #1 (Feminized)

Created in the USA during the 70s, it became famous because of the Jimmy Hendrix song. That variety differs greatly to the one offered nowadays by Positronics as, in the beginning, Purple Haze was characterised by medium-low psychoactivity and minimal production. Hazes were too pure to flower and did not develop adequately. Despite this, it was the most smoked variety at Woodstock. Since then Positronics have kept this variety a jealously-guarded secret to re-launch it nearly 40 years later to get you hooked on the hippy generation vibe that we miss so much.
Enormously vigorous plant with large, medium-thickness stems that take on purple hues. Large internodal distance, similar growth pattern to Claustrum, dividing out its branches in a fir or candelabra-like fashion thus optimising the production of floral bunches.
Moderate number of large, thin and jagged leaves. Flowers acquire purple tones with shades varying from violet to maroon, giving this variety a unique polichromy that is a real visual delight. Will doubtless become the queen of the grow room.
AROMA: Heady aroma between incense and cinnamon, slightly acidic, very peculiar.
TASTE: Revolutionary even before the mythical Skunk. Made an impact owing to its powerful high and bitter-sweet taste. Its complex flavour offers notes ranging from sweet to spicy with a very incensed aftertaste that lingers on the palate.
EFFECT: Instant high characteristic of sativas that unexpectedly allows the creative juices to flow. Purple Haze can cause a strange yet nice feeling in which objects' (including our own bodies] ability to float is enhanced while everything is enveloped in a mysterious purple mist ... be aware that this effect may not be enjoyable for beginners.
Purple Haze become very big plants and will need poles and ties to support their large branches. They also require a large amount of space for their root systems and copious amounts of water. In short, not appropriate for balconies or terraces.
Outdoors, owing to its ample vegetative period, we can always delay sowing until June-July to diminish its enormous vigour because, if not, we would be left facing a hefty pruning job. Inside, we recommend forcing early flowering to take up less space. Furthermore, permanent ventilation is necessary for optimum flower development.
Purple Thai x Haze x ...
Fungus Resistance: Moderate
THC: 22%
CBD: 0.2%
Outdoor: 25-30th November
Indoor: 70days
Outdoor: 350gr per plant
Indoor: 400gr/m2

  • <LI class=odd _extended="true">Single seed orders are always labelled separately and for peace of mind we include an equal portion of the original product carton. Orders of whole packets are supplied in the original sealed carton.
    Find out more about our service and our shipping guarantee. <LI class=even _extended="true"> Feminized for £10.68 / $ 16.40
  • Feminized x5 for £53.40 / $ 81.98


Well-Known Member
ACE - Purple Haze x Thai (Regular)

Purple Haze x Meao Thai. F1 hybrid.
The best Purple Haze mother from our Oldtimer&#8217;s Haze selections has been pollinated by the Meao Thai male.
An authentic rarity to be enjoyed by the Thai Haze lovers.
Tall and gangling Sativa. It may present an irregular branching.
Incensey with tropical mature fruit, citrus, woody and blackberry liqueur notes. Old school sativa flavour.
Crazy and psychedelic, with no tolerance limits.
Especially recommended for outdoor growing in tropical and subtropical climates.
100% sativa
Flowering indoors: 16-20 weeks
Flowering outdoors: End of December &#8211; January
Yield/m2: Medium
Resistance against spider mite: Medium
Resistance against Powdery Mildew: Medium
Resistance against botrytis: Very High
Resistance against cold: Medium

  • <LI class=odd _extended="true">Single seed orders are always labelled separately and for peace of mind we include an equal portion of the original product carton. Orders of whole packets are supplied in the original sealed carton.
    Find out more about our service and our shipping guarantee. <LI class=even _extended="true"> Regular for £4.97 / $ 7.63
  • Regular x10 for £49.70 / $ 76.30


Well-Known Member
again I say look at the genetics they just playing the name game as every where I read purple haze had nothing to do with thai strains

its was a combination of several classic haze type strains


Well-Known Member
you have some good purple weed thats all the company that released it was busted years ago and its like 99% gone sorry but ive had the original and the fakes smoke some really good haze plant and your close the purple had nothing to do with taste or what ever and the amount of purple was minimal at best you see these strains almost all purple most of them are just blueberry genes mixed with what ever sorry


Well-Known Member
purple haze is one hell of a buzz. Energetic buzz, gets your heart pounding and staring out your windows for cops... if you like that sort of thing, some buds my brother grew out for 15 weeks of flower. blue diesel next to her. this might sway your selection



Well-Known Member
with purple haze you will get a real deal strain that compare only to real haze plants, that will take twice as long, as opposed to your typical gd purp, purple urkle, da purps, any of those are no different than any other hybridized indica sativa mix. ie kush strains. (purple haze is the only purple strain that has impressed me.)


So if I want to grow a real deal "Purple Plant" I should go for Purple haze? Where did you get your seeds?


Well-Known Member
all of purple strains will be purple, i was saying if you want the most unique purple haze, id go with purple haze. id love to take credit for the herb, but the dues go to my brother. Ill ask him, but maybe sensi, thats where he used to get his genetics.