Purple kush plant healthy or not???

heeeey everyone this is my first plant i have it under 3 CFLs and its in miracle grow potting soil and is being fed low amounts of fertilizer does it look ok??


Well-Known Member
if its in miracle grow you dont need to give it any nutrients...just water...and lay off the watering a little bit...and you should have added more perlite to help the drainage :)


Well-Known Member
dont use fertilizer at this point...like i said...that soil has plenty of nutrients...what kind of MG soil is it? I can see the little MG fertilizer balls on the top of the soil :)

Also if its running out the bottom without adding extra perlite you are definately overwatering it...how much are you dumping in there? And how long does it take to dry out completely? I.E. lift the pot after you water...check its weight...then when is it light again? Is the top of the soil getting crusty before you water again?

Basically you need to let your soil dry right out between waterings or you'll suffocate your root system...not adding extra perlite to it will make extra water sit there and cut off oxygen to the roots...so you need to be extra careful until its large enough to transplant into a larger pot, and this time mix in extra perlite. I just mixed up 4 5gallon buckets last night of MG organic choice with 2.5 8 quart bags of perlite...so that should give you an idea of how much perlite you need :)