purple on top of stems among other things (first grow)

fs psyco

i got this plant about a week ago and i noticed that the tops of the stems to the older leaves but not the bottom also i saw a small leaf at the bottom of the plant that is yellowing with it browning. when i bought the plant (btw i got it from a grower) it had a few small bugs on it but i killed all the visible ones then about a day later i sprayed the leaves with a spray bottle with a little bit of soap and filled with water and i did it for a couple days and i haven't seen any of the bugs since lastly i put a picture up of my leaves just in case there are issues.



Well-Known Member
Looks like you might have spider mites... Check under the leafs during the day. Thats when the sleep under the leafs. If you see small black/brown specks, it's mites. Spray with soap and water. 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. spray every 3 days for a few weeks until they are gone

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Mmm,,bad mites,,,,,get mighty wash or mix up a batch of pyrethrin from a concentrate to the labels specs and dip your kids in either one, as deep as you can go..Then spray where you couldn't and the soil surface...repeat in 5-7 days...mites gone - But keep a close watch out for a return down the road.

Purple coloring on main and leaf stems is normal , don't worry about that.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
You can buy concentrated Neem Oil at any Lowe's or Walmart, no more bug's and you wont get the unhealthy drying on old growth.Clip yellowing leaves off immediately unless it's just the tip's.Trim those tip's as you find them and it help's the plant,a little growth spurt. Oh and the purple is not a bad thing.I like Purple, it matches my Eye's. :hump:

fs psyco

ok so over the last 12 days i have done a couple things i first to completely get rid of the spider mites i dunked my plant in soapy water and let it sit for 10 min today and 3 days ago i also cut off most of the leaves that showed any sign of spider mites i also did find out what strain i got it is called "sizzle berry" and i want to know if the purpling is normal or not


Well-Known Member
Well, i freaked out at first too when i seen the purple on the top of the stem,
untill one day when i was explaining to my buddy that the stems were changing purple,
and he said
" oh nice...Purple indica"
so i dont think you have to worry about that, and catch some daddy longlegs, and throw them around your plant, they help eat the mites ( or so i have read )

fs psyco

thanks, also i got rid of the mites like i said earlyer i dunked em in soapy water and let em sit today and 3 days ago so i can stop the mites i am going to probably do it a 3rd time just to make sure i also did repot the plant not too long ago