purple stem on sprout


Active Member
hey guys just wanted to find out something. my friend sprouted what he says is a "chronic" seed but it was just bag seed. it's been 2 weeks and the poor little guy is stunted. it didn't grow much after about an inch. now he's thinking it's a "90 day wonder" seed. i never heard of those but it's definately been a big subject for him. so i took a pic and i wanna get an opinion from more experienced growers cuz from what i heard purple stem isn't a good thing. i sprouted a couple sativa n they bursted. the hieght of the 3 sprouts is almost double his n they're only about a week sprouted. what you guys think?

the pic with 3 sprouts are mine :blsmoke:(week old) n the pic with 1 sprout is his.:neutral:(about 2+ weeks)

keep in mind that we are both growing out doors and it's been raining a ton the last three days...



Well-Known Member
Are all the plants in the same soil, and depending on how much its raining u might want to make some sort of cover to keep the water out so u can control their environment better, at least until they get bigger. I had an issue with growing outdoors when it rained alot my plants never really got a chance to dry out for a couple weeks and ended up with some root rot issues. Also I've read I forget the site but it was for diagnosing MJ issues based on different physical characteristics of the plant like colors and diff stuff. I can't remember what it was but I think it was some sort of micro-nute def that was talkin bout a red stem like that, maybe like iron or boron, maybe even a cal/mag issue. Sorry I can't remember which and if I could remember the name of the site I'd give u the link. But that was why I had asked if all the plants were in the same soil, if so it shouldn't be happening to one and not the others, so might not be nute issue. Also the seedling with the red stem what kinda pot is it in, is that metal?


Active Member
dvs1038:7433244 said:
Are all the plants in the same soil, and depending on how much its raining u might want to make some sort of cover to keep the water out so u can control their environment better, at least until they get bigger. I had an issue with growing outdoors when it rained alot my plants never really got a chance to dry out for a couple weeks and ended up with some root rot issues. Also I've read I forget the site but it was for diagnosing MJ issues based on different physical characteristics of the plant like colors and diff stuff. I can't remember what it was but I think it was some sort of micro-nute def that was talkin bout a red stem like that, maybe like iron or boron, maybe even a cal/mag issue. Sorry I can't remember which and if I could remember the name of the site I'd give u the link. But that was why I had asked if all the plants were in the same soil, if so it shouldn't be happening to one and not the others, so might not be nute issue. Also the seedling with the red stem what kinda pot is it in, is that metal?
See i knew it his sprout is in a top soil type dirt with no ferts in a 3 gallon plastic bucket. Mine are in a 1 gallon pot of miracle grow soil. I think thats where my sprouts have the advantage. Im gonna transplant and grow them in three different pots. I told him he should add a light mix of fert to get the sprout healthy cuz when my sprouts where showing purple stems in plain soil i fed em light n it went away.

Does anyone know what the term "90 day wonder" n is it even a true cannibis fam or just a made up nickname here?
i dont think "90 day wonder" is a real term for any seed/strain. to be completely respectfully honest, i think your friend is talking out of his ass and probably isnt too sure on what he is doing. if i were you i would do some more research and try to enlighten him on the do's and donts for proper growing. i know i'd hate to see those sprouts die. again, this was a completely respectful comment..not tryin to start any problems with a fellow marijuana aficianado :)


Well-Known Member
See i knew it his sprout is in a top soil type dirt with no ferts in a 3 gallon plastic bucket. Mine are in a 1 gallon pot of miracle grow soil. I think thats where my sprouts have the advantage. Im gonna transplant and grow them in three different pots. I told him he should add a light mix of fert to get the sprout healthy cuz when my sprouts where showing purple stems in plain soil i fed em light n it went away.

Does anyone know what the term "90 day wonder" n is it even a true cannibis fam or just a made up nickname here?
I would transplant now before the roots intertwine, into some soil with a good amount of perlite and no nutes. Kellog Patio Plus is good and affordable. You can get it from home depot or lowes. And yeah your buddy doesn't know what he is talking about. also purple stems on sprouts are normal they will grow out of it. 99% of mine were purple. You shouldn't add fertilizer until the round leaves or cotyledon's turn yellow. Those cotyledon's have enough food in them for about the first 2-4 weeks.