Purple stems, weird growth and brown patches


Have this 10 week old plant show some signs of stress but I can't really tell what's going on by all these signs. Do you might have a clue what it could be?

That foliage looks like it has insect damage but I have no insect infestation. It's one of 4 plants in the room and none ofhers are showing such signs. It also looks more pale in comparison, what led me to N deficiency but it's getting the same feed as the other 3 yet it's the smallest of them all.

I'm completely lost here



Well-Known Member
Purple petioles can be caused by low P. I've also read UV light can cause it. Genetics has been mentioned as a cause on these forums. I do see the overall yellowing. If your other plants are okay, perhaps it's just a weak strain suitable for culling.

For more specific help, folks here want to know more details about your fertilization, products used, irrigation schedules, EC, pH etc. More info is better!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
that almost looks like caterpillar damage...
maybe a slight phosphorous deficiency, but it's odd for it to make actual holes in leaves...
i'm honestly not sure what's causing that, but those holes don't look like the result of a deficiency