Purposeley making female plant hermi??


From my understanding the way a plant goes hermi is that the dark periods are interrupted by light making the female plant produce pollen therefore self pollinating. I've read forms that people get rid of there hermi plants (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just trying to get a grasp on this hermi thing) why is this? Also can you purposely hermi to make your female produce seeds? If you get only fem seeds and want only one plant to produce seeds with out a male.. would that keep the strain closer to the mother without taking alive clones? Is there any problems with this or am I completely wrong ? Thanks for any information!


Rebel From The North
Theres ton of miss info on this subject! But it boils down to stability,Some plants just hermie out with the littlest of stress and other do With zero stress. Depends on the genetics of the parents and whatsPassed on to the said strain. Stress can be anything from light leaksTo rh issues on up to temp issuse, nute burn aswell can cause it.The practice of femming seads is a simple method of causing your plantTo hermie out and pollenate your female flowers! Making fem seeds.This process in nature will make hermie prone seeds = no buano!So the best way is to take stable proven strains with zero hermie traitsAnd either use cs or sts to cause your provin strain to hermie, and pollenateThus making high grade fem seeds! There are tons of sts threads to read upOn.Breeding with anything thats prone to hermie is not a good practice.